Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sewing Bug

I think I have officially caught the sewing bug that my sister and mother have been on for quite some time. It all started at Christmas...I decided to buy a sewing machine for my niece, Camryn. I went to the fabric store to buy her an additional gift of some fabric so she would have something to sew when she opened her gift. I realized I can spend hours in a fabric store just looking at all the beautiful fabrics.

Since that trip I have had a yen to make something. My typical project is a blanket. The problem with this is I need another blanket like I need another hole in my head (Craig has even talked about getting rid of some! Sacrilegious I know, but nevertheless, we don't have space for more blankets at the moment). The problem now became, "What do I make?" I'm not a very skilled seamstress, blankets are rectangles. Straight lines are easy to sew. Could I really make something a little more challenging? Umm, maybe, but I decided to start light.

Two days ago, inspiration struck by way of my good friend Molly's blog. She mentioned that her burp cloths were in dire straights and with baby Liam coming soon it was one of her needs. I thought that would be a perfect starting place. Mandy had made me quite a few burp cloths when I was expecting Cooper and I treasured them. They were unique and easily identifiable when visiting with other moms and their babies.

It was settled. I couldn't get the thought out of my head, so I headed to the fabric store yesterday afternoon. There were so many fabrics to choose from so I limited myself to three. I ran some other errands and came home. Around 9pm I decided that I had to make them that night. I'm not a patient person when I get an idea in my head. =) I stayed up until 2am making those burp cloths! I never stay up past 10pm. I never have the energy. I had the energy last night. I was so excited about making those burp cloths that I wasn't even tired. It wouldn't have taken as long as it did, but Cooper did not want to leave me alone while I was sewing. I finally put him to bed and got serious, until around 1am when he woke up again. Also, my sewing machine decided after two completed burp cloths that it didn't want to work properly. I was in a panic because I was OCD about finishing them so I could get them to Molly today at church. Somehow I messed with the settings of the machine and after 30 minutes I got it to work properly. Phew!

I'm pretty pleased with the results. Now I'm scouring the internet for my next sewing project. I love babies so I'm pretty sure it will be something for a baby, just not sure what though. Hopefully whatever it is will turn out as fun to make as those burp cloths.

Love you!

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